Free Influencer Contract Template

Looking for a free Influencer Contract template? Then look no further. You’ll find one here. Our team has crafted an Influencer Contract template that will help you create a contract between yourself and your client.

Contract Template​

Free Influencer Contract Template Samples


To help you grow your business we have made a quite simple yet reliable Influencer Contract template in Word and PDF versions so you can use it repeatedly.

What’s in this template?
  • Non-disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement
  • Brand Campaign Guidelines
  • Content rights
Click here to get your free Influencer Contract template

What is an Influencer?

An influencer is an individual or group with personal authority, posture, expertise, or relationships that impact the buying decisions of others. An influencer can be a known figure in a particular industry, topic area, or niche that has garnered a following.

The main key to an influencer is that they have built a relationship with their audience either through expertise or experience. In terms of marketing, brands have the capability to partner with influencers to provide mutually beneficial experiences for their audience.

What is an influencer contract?

An Influencer Contract is a newer type of agreement designed for a specific relationship in which one party, called the advertiser, contracts with another party, the influencer, to promote the advertiser’s goods or services. The “advertiser” in this contract does not have to be a traditional advertiser or marketer; the advertiser can simply be a brand or company owner looking for promotional help from the influencer. This agreement is created for the specific situation of an online influencer promoting the advertiser’s products or services through social networks.

Why do you need an influencer contract?

The rise of the social media influencer has led to an uptick in these types of relationships, with many more brands and companies looking to hire influencers to grow their customer base.

This document can be used for a one-time campaign, where the advertiser hires the influencer to help with one specific campaign for a specific time period, or for an ongoing relationship, where the influencer will promote the advertiser’s products or services over time.

With influencer marketing being such a personal, informal approach to customer outreach, isn’t it just easier to do everything informally? Actually, no. Working without an influencer contract is asking for trouble. While some influencer marketplaces handle a significant amount of the issues for you, anything done directly needs a custom contract.

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Important Terms

What should an influencer contract include?

What you ought to include in your influencer contract could vary depending on the nature of the brand-influencer relationship, the nature of the campaign, and your industry. That said, the following ten items are common in nearly every influencer agreement.

  1. Non-disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement: Some campaigns (such as whitelisting or Instagram takeovers) require participants to share login information. Other times, participants disclose sensitive information related to one’s business or personal brand. A thriving business relationship requires individuals to adhere to a reasonable confidentiality understanding and agreement
  1. Compensation Model: Influencer compensation could include flat fees, commissions, product seeding, or a combination of all three. Your brand-influencer contract should clearly spell out how and when you will pay your influencer. Influencers are usually considered independent contractors. As such, it is often customary to secure 1099s and independent contractor agreements from your influencers.
  1. Timelines and Milestones: Any specifics on which you and your influencer agreed with regards to how they will post, when they will post, and how often they will post should be present in your contract. If your agreement is campaign specific, be sure to set the necessary date/time parameters.
  1. Brand Campaign Guidelines: If you are like most brands, you are naturally very concerned about your brand image. You should clearly spell out any tone, language, or style guidelines that you have for your influencers. 
  1. Influencer Campaign Guidelines: Typically, influencers also have guidelines that protect their personal brand and sustain their social media authenticity. You should also include these demands within your influencer contract.
  1. Consumer Privacy Law: While more often an issue within affiliate marketing rather than influencer marketing, there are some scenarios where influencers may gather, manage, or share consumer information. If this is the case, you can be held liable if the influencer mismanages consumer data during a campaign.  CCPA, PIPEDA, and GDPR consumer privacy agencies will prosecute those brands/individuals found guilty of violating consumer privacy law. Your influencer agreement should reinforce relevant consumer data privacy compliance standards. 
  1. Campaign Deliverables: Your campaign objectives dictate whether your influencer is posting a blog, video, image, product review, or a mixture. Your contract should itemize any specifics related to campaign deliverables for which your influencer is responsible. 
  1. Brand Exclusivity: It’s not uncommon for brands to require exclusivity from their influencers for a certain period of time during and after a campaign. You should include an exclusivity clause if you’re concerned about your influencer working with a competitor.  It’s important that you set a time period for this exclusivity. You cannot insist on exclusivity indefinitely, but you can require it of your influencers for a reasonable period of time.
  1. Content Rights: Influencer posts make great repurposed content for branded posts and PPC campaigns. However, you cannot use your influencer posts in this way without securing content rights. You may need to discuss exact terms and verbiage with your attorney to ensure that you are allowed to use influencer posts for other purposes.
  1. Grounds for Termination: A critical piece of your influencer contract should indicate what constitutes grounds for termination during an influencer campaign. This section ensures that you and your influencer are not locked into an agreement with which both parties wished to be released. That said, neither party should be permitted to break the agreement at will. Your grounds for termination clause protects you and the influencer from clear breaches of trust.

What Sections Should You Specify in Your Influencer Contract?

A detailed scope of work:

Your first priority should be to outline the scope of work to be performed, and what its purpose should be. This means specifying that this contract is entered into for the purpose of content creation or some other form of collaboration. Discuss if you’re going to use this as advertising on your own platforms/websites in addition to the influencer’s pages.

Aesthetic and branding guidelines:

Depending on your purposes, there might be some branding required. For instance, most of us have colors that are used consistently throughout our advertising efforts. Depending on the use of the influencer’s content, you might specify that these branding elements be used. Alternatively, you might specify the inclusion of your company logo somewhere. These specs should be discussed at length and outlined carefully. However, it’s usually advisable to give influencers as much creative freedom as possible while protecting your brand.

What content will the influencer be publishing and where? How many times?

In this section, you will specify the kind of content to be produced, along with any agreed-on features. That means the section should be specific: saying you’re paying for a YouTube video isn’t always enough. Instead, specify if you want him or her to do a giveaway, a tutorial, or something else you’ve decided on. The same should hold for any other content format.

Next, mention where the content should be posted, and how many times it needs to be posted. For our YouTube video example, this is probably going to be a one-time addition to their YouTube channel. However, you might also reserve the right to republish it on your website or some other approved location. Instagram posts might be done more than once over a period of time. More frequent posting can also involve more than one content piece; if so, specify.

When will all of this need to be done by? Any other timeline and milestone details?

Like all projects, your collaboration should have a deadline. Depending on the type of collaboration, this can be one deadline or a series of several milestones. With Instagram posts, you might request a new photo each week for a month. A YouTube tutorial might need to go into production by a certain time, and any follow-up a couple weeks later. Whatever those parameters are, you need to specify them in the influencer contract.

Any other specifics relevant to the influencer campaign that the influencer needs to know?

One of the best ways to make sure nothing gets left to chance is by including it in the influencer contract. For instance, you might need certain hashtags used in the caption or text. Specifying certain @user mentions is also common; this is often the social media account for your brand, or maybe a member of your leadership team.  Whatever it is, be sure to include specific provisions to ensure compliance.

List of things you don’t want the influencer to talk about or include in content:

As with positive requirements, your influencer contract should specify anything that you want them to avoid. For instance, depending on the campaign and its goals, you might want the influencer to avoid mentioning a competing brand or product. On the other hand, this might be different if you want a product review to compare your product with the competition.

Another thing to mention is if there is a potential for off-brand imagery. One way there can be off-brand imagery is in fashion: depending on the brand/product, there can be fashion shots that come across as trashy. Product type and your brand image can help determine what’s appropriate.

Will content require pre-approval by brand before publishing?

In some circumstances, you might want to approve the content before it’s published. This might be due to a number of factors, such as sensitive branding concerns or a recent history of your customers reacting badly to influencer content. If you go this route, be sure to specify this as part of the influencer contract. You’ll also want to make the approval process as clear as possible to avoid any confusion.

Access to influencer’s data

If you will require access to influencer data other than the content piece, this also needs to be mentioned. For instance, some brands want social media login information so that they can see what notifications are being generated by the content. Other access requirements include Google Analytics, social media analytics, screenshots, and anything else that can help measure campaign success. Of course, printouts and emails with the same information may also be sufficient.

Mention Compensation details:

Central to any influencer contract is the compensation details. Be sure to specify how much an influencer will be paid, and in what form (commission, flat fee, product, etc). Then, say how it will be paid out and when they should expect to get it. This way, everyone knows what’s expected and when.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ about our Influencer Contract Template

 We recognize that your contract layout conditions may need to be changed to be in line together with your client’s needs. That’s why we have made Contrat in Word format as well so  that you’ll be able make adjustments as you like. If you want to make important changes to the template, we propose you to get help of  a lawyer or conveyancer to make sure you still have protection.